Kiddos 2014

Kiddos 2014

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Small Successes

Oh, it was a good day today! It started well because I made myself get up and go for a run, albeit a short one. It still started my day off in a good way. We had a few things to do today, so we were out the door by 9:10, dressed, showered and with make-up! Well, it was only me in make-up! We went to the bookmobile, got a couple of Baby Einstein VHS (yes, they still carry them for those of us who are technological dinosaurs), a few books and we were out the door. We stopped to see Matt at work and played on the school's new playground equipment. Boy are my kids daring, much more so than their mommy. Then we were off to Grammie's house. On the way there, we took a pause in a church parking lot to watch the fire truck shoot water out of the top of the tall, tall ladder. We couldn't believe how tall it was, and it made a rainbow too!

Next, to Grammie's. We stayed for awhile, read a few books, raided the chocolate covered peanuts (boys) and Diet Coke stash (Mommy) and nursed (Lyndee). And you know what else? Introduced Grammie to my new blog! It was a little risky, but rewarding all the same. Pretty analogous for my life right now. Did I spell that right? hmmm.....

One of the high points of the day, and there were many today, was eating at Happy Donald's with our friends. It was a new McDonald's south of town and guess what promotion ran today? Happy Meals for $1!!!!! Yay, it even made Mommy happy!! The boys played well with their friends and I had a great time visiting with my friend. It's amazing how you can tune out 27 other families with toddlers in a small space. One acquaintance of mine was also there (a stay at home dad!) and he came up to the counter as I was paying. He said, "I think I know why the Happy Meals are so cheap. Look, my hamburger has no hamburger!" Too funny!

When we arrived home, Matt was home for lunch, the kids (except Gabe) went down for a nap, and I got to run an errand ALONE! When I got home, Ben tried to escape his nap time, unsuccessfully, and then my mom got to come over to baby sit for an hour while I got, perhaps the best haircut I have ever gotten! And the best part, it was only $10!!!! I've started going to a beauty school just down the street from me. My stylist is graduating in three weeks though and going to a real salon, so I'll have to check out her new prices to see if I can stay with her.

I did try something from one of my parenting magazines today that actually worked. Gabe said to me rudely, "I SA-ID, I want some milk NOW!"

So I said, "I'm sorry, but I thought I heard someone speak to me in a rude way."

Gabe: "I said I want some milk now."

Mommy: "Oh boy, I think I heard rude manners again."

Gabe: "Mommy, can I have some milk please?"

Mission accomplished!

The rest of the night was pretty uneventful. We had spaghetti for supper, Matt helped me clear the table and clean up, the boys were playing well, and then I saw a flying wooden tiger out of the corner of my eye and a loud WHACK as it hit the glass of the deck door. Thankfully nothing was broken but the four year old did have to go to timeout. I think things are getting better though in that department because the ensuing tantrum lasted only about a minute instead of 20 minutes.

Gabe is funny sometimes because he wants Ben to play with him so badly, but yet wants to determine every action of his little brother. And Ben will have none of that! If Gabe won't let him play how he wants to play, we'll hear, "No Gape!" and then he'll simply quit playing.

Then Gabe will lay down wherever he is, wail loudly and say, "I want someone to play with me!"

"I'll play with you," I say.

"No, not a grown up Mommy! I want someone who's 2 who is a boy named Ben to play with me!"

I guess I don't fit into that description on any count. Hopefully they'll learn to give and take eventually and not hit and take. The jury's still out on that one.

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